Extend Your Ice Cream & Italian Ice Season!
Prepare for Fall!
For many frozen dessert business owners, Labor Day marks the end of the frozen dessert season. Unfortunately the weather is still warm and there are still customers seeking sweet treats. Let's face it, you are still paying for rent and utilities whether you are open or closed.
Why not capitalize on opportunities to boost your business and your bank account by offering customers creative seasonal menus and exciting Fall events. The added advantage of stretching your season is the ability to use up the leftover inventory such as toppings, cones, and other perishable items you have left in stock instead of writing them off as an end-of-season loss.
Act Now or you may be too late to impact your season! Here are a few tips to help!

Fall Flavors RULE!
As students return to school and the leaves start to change, capitalize on the flavors that are in high demand during this time period. Apple. Pumpkin. Churro. Toasted Marshmallow. Cinnamon. Caramel Apple. Snickerdoodle. Maple. Horchata. Get creative by incorporating some of these flavors into existing products such as Chocolate S'mores ice cream or Pumpkin Vanilla soft-serve. Apple cider with a scoop of vanilla is a delicious twist on an ice cream soda! Or how about hot chocolate with a topping of chocolate ice cream? You are limited only by your imagination in creating unique menu offerings highlighting these warm and delicious Fall flavor profiles.
School Days & Sports
Talk to your local school districts and PTA's for fund-raising opportunities, promotions, or special event treats for their students & faculty. Sponsor a local sports team while promoting your brand. Fall sports leagues and Little League Concessions are always open to partnering. By doing so now – in the fall- your business will benefit from the partnerships and the increased market for your products come spring. The more you advertise, the better your brand awareness. Gain an edge over your competition now!
Special Events & Holidays
As people start to leave their artificially cooled homes and once again venture outside to spend most of their days watching sporting events, walking and exercising, create exciting events to entice them to your location. Pumpkin painting, a cornhole challenge, hayrides, trick or treat, or just collecting items for charity. Ice Cream and Toys-For-Tots is a wonderful match! Bring a toy and get a cone for half price!
Decorate your store for the holidays and have themed names for some of your unique offerings such as "Witch's Brew" for a marshmallow & caramel topped ice cream soda or a "Candy Cane" milkshake. No matter the weather, events plus the availability of delicious treats equals SALES and happy customers. Be an "experience" not just a frozen dessert store!
Know your Temps & Treats
Italian Ice sales decline as the temperature dips below the mid 80’s, while ice cream and gelato sales increase. By keeping these trends in mind and incorporating Fall flavor profiles into your menu, you can better anticipate your customer demands.
Create a decorated Novelty Take-Out section with Fall treats! The availability of Take-Home treats such as ice cream sandwiches, pops, pre-packaged cones, Ice Cream Sundae Party Kits, pints and quarts are key. Customers will not only buy something from your new Fall menu to enjoy immediately, but will want to take a few treats home to enjoy later as the weather starts to dip. A few delicious pints stashed in the freezer can turn a dreary winter day into an oasis of summer sunshine. Be sure to price all take-out products accordingly to cover your packaging costs, and post your brand name and location details prominently on the packaging.
Prune the Excess
Most of your staff is probably returning to school, and you are working to fill their hours with the employees that remain, including YOURSELF. Take a good look at your peak traffic times on nights and weekends and adjust your store hours accordingly.
Take a good look at your menu. Do you really need 40 flavors? Trim away those items on your menu that are not a significant portion of your business. Keep only your hottest sellers and add 1 or 2 Fall seasonal flavors for variety.
Walk into your stockroom and make an accounting of your inventory. Now is a good time to use up any leftover perishable products by getting creative and coming up with a promotional flavor or item. Too many jars of Strawberry Topping? Why not develop a Strawberry-Apple variegate for your Fall ice cream flavors? Lots of cones left? Create ice cream sundae "Nachos" with the crushed cones.
No matter what you choose to do, remember that you do not have to close your books on this season just because students are returning to school. Take advantage of some of our tips & tricks and have fun developing your own marketing plan for Fall flavors and advertising.
For more business ideas, suggestions and frozen dessert manufacturing products, check out our website on a regular basis or subscribe to our website for special emailed promotions and new product announcements.
Gil's Ice Cream Supplies
Gil's Wholesale Distributors
320 W Oak Lane Glenolden PA 19036
610-237-6501 GilsWholesale.com IceCreamSupplesWholesale.com
Gil’s Wholesale Distributors/ Gil's Ice Cream Supplies is a family owned Pennsylvania based full service distributor with over 40 years of providing personalized service & product expertise for wholesale tobacco, cigars, cigarettes & tobacco related products, ice cream, Italian Ice, Gelato & frozen dessert manufacturing supplies, convenience store products, paper & plastic items, candy, concession, automotive and janitorial products.
Located 10 minutes from the Philadelphia International Airport, our delivery area is PA, NJ, and DE and we ship throughout the U.S. and abroad by common carrier, as well as offer convenient Pick Up services at our customer-friendly showroom. FREE Parking!
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