Here's a few fun facts about ice cream to share with your friends and family as you dig into your favorite bowl of that delicious frozen concoction.
* Before dairy based ice creams were introduced in 10th century, this summer treat was actually made from ice.
* Industrial production of ice cream began in 1851 in Boston, United States.
* American made Ice cream was supplied to military troops during World War II. This was when the entire world accepted ice cream as a perfect summer-time treat.
* The largest worldwide consumption of ice cream is in the United States. An average person consumes 48 pints of ice cream per year.
* 90% of American households eat ice cream.
* Biggest ice cream sundae was created in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1988. It weighed 24 tons.
* The recipe for Ice cream came to North America 250 years after it was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
* The most popular flavor of ice cream is vanilla. Then chocolate, strawberry, cookies & cream.
* Ice cream cones were invented during the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, when large demand forced an ice cream vendor to find help from a nearby waffle vendor. Together they made history.
* One of the most unusual ice cream flavors is hot dog flavored ice cream that was created in Arizona.
* Over her entire lifetime, one dairy cow can produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream
* Most profitable day for ice cream sellers is usually Sunday.
* Continental Europe was introduced to ice cream in the late 13th century when Marco Polo returned to Italy from China.
* Largest ice cream cake weighed 12,096 pounds.
* The United States produces the most ice cream in the world.
* Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow flavored with nectar and honey.
* Hawaii is home to an “ice cream bean” fruit that tastes like vanilla ice cream.
* In the United States, July is deemed to be "National Ice Cream Month".
* Market analysts confirmed that ice cream sales increase during times of recession or wars.
* The Most favorite ice cream topping is chocolate syrup
Visit your local Ice Cream Parlor for a smooth & creamy treat today.
Gil's Ice Cream Supplies
320 W Oak Lane Glenolden PA 19036
610-237-6501 IceCreamSuppliesWholesale.com
Over 40 Years of Personal Service & Product Expertise Ice Cream, Italian Ice, Gelato & Frozen Dessert Supplies, Paper & Plastic Products for serving, packaging & manufacturing, Candy, Gum, Mints & Snacks, Concession Supplies for Popcorn, Snow Cones, Cotton Candy & more.
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